This Was My Client’s Biggest Competitor… and It’s Probably Not What You Think

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Hi, there!
I’m Amanda – designer, dreamer, and online marketer.

Zag is the Anchor ‹A› blog dedicated to helping you reach your biggest business goals.

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ask every client to fill out a questionnaire to help me get to know them and their business better, and I always ask, “Who are your biggest competitors?”

The typical answers are: Business X from down the street or Businesses Y and Z.

My amazing client, we’ll call her Allie, is an owner of a dental practice. She’s super smart and incredibly intuitive. Her answer to that question threw me for a loop, because it was unlike any I’d heard before to that question. It also posed the question in a way I’d never thought about before.

She said that the biggest competitor for her business is FEAR.

Fear. Isn’t that interesting??

First she said that that there’s so enough dental work to go around to all the businesses in her area. I loved her community-minded and altruistic perspective. Then, she said that fear is the number one thing that keeps people away from any dentist-office and that is what she’s most often up against.

Now, think about your business. You likely have competitors that are actual businesses. But is something else battling in the minds of your customers or clients that’s keeping them away from you?


I believe the number one way to combat these competitors is by educating your audience.


What kind of content can you share with your customers to break down any barriers between you and them?

Here’s a list of unexpected competitors and ways you can challenge them.


With Allie’s dental practice, for example, she could share information about how she helps alleviate any pain before procedures. She could share client testimonials that give her glowing reviews about her care. She could share stories about how patients’ lives are better with regular dental care.

Not a dentist? Here’s how you can tackle this one:

  • Share your process so customers and clients know what to expect every step of the way
  • Share before and afters
  • Share customer testimonials. Have them talk about what their life was like before and after your product or service.

Lack of Time

  • Talk about how you’ll be able to help them get more of their time back
  • Share time management strategies and tips
  • Offer a tool or freebie of some kind around time management. Maybe this looks like a daily planner worksheet.

Lack of Money

  • Talk about how you’ll be able to help your audience make more money if they invest in your products or services, how they’ll save money, or how you’ll be able to help them grow their business.
  • Offer payment plans and be sure to share about them.
  • Share client testimonials. Ask them if they would make this investment again.
  • Share customer success stories. Include data if you have it!

Lack of Confidence

  • Share a personal story of how you were able to overcome your own confidence challenges.
  • Share how your product or service leads to greater confidence.
  • Share inspiration and quotes that will inspire.
  • Share a customer or client story that showcases the end result they want. Let them know that what they’re dreaming about is possible and they can achieve it.
  • Outline a step by step plan that starts with where your audience is and lights the way to where they ultimately want to end up.


  • Share data, facts, and results. If you don’t have them now, work on collecting that information.
  • Share social proof. This looks like reviews, credentials, training, memberships, affiliations, accreditations, etc.
  • Share testimonials and success stories. Videos will be a huge bonus here.
  • Talk about your background and experience.
  • Do you have a 100% satisfaction guarantee or refund policy if the customer isn’t satisfied? Share about this.


  • Create case studies around your produce or service. Talk about the before and after. Share facts, results, charts, etc. if you can.
  • Share videos from credible sources
  • Create a list of resources where your audience can find more information
  • Share about why you decided to offer the product or service you offer. What impacts have you seen it have on your customers’ lives?

How You Can Share This Content

You could share this content in so many ways. Here are a few ideas:

  • Blog articles
  • Podcasts or audio recordings
  • Videos (YouTube, IG, Facebook)
  • Posts on social media
  • Webinar
  • Hold an in-person informational workshop

Share Your Thoughts

Do you have a competitor that isn’t a business?

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