Your true ‘competitors’ in business probably aren’t what you think

Hi, there!
I’m Amanda – designer, dreamer, and online marketer.

Zag is the Anchor ‹A› blog dedicated to helping you reach your biggest business goals.

I’m going to make a pretty bold (and possibly controversial) statement here, but hear me out!

There are no such thing as ‘competitors’.

I actually don’t even like to use the word ‘competitors’ and here’s why…

What I’ve learned in my years of being a business owner and working with hundreds of business like you, is this:

  • Every single business is different in some way
  • Every single business attracts a little bit different audience
  • Every single business has a unique mission in the world
  • Every single business has a one-of-a-kind story

In my 10+ years as a brand and website designer, I’ve taken on numerous clients in the same markets and even in the same physical local area.

Even though these businesses might share similarities, they ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS show up in the world differently.

When we focus on discovering these differences about our businesses and showcasing them to the world, we start to carve out our own unique space in the market and our ‘competition’ becomes irrelevant.

Beyond that, I believe your true competition are things like:

  • The fear that’s holding back your target audience from investing in your services. Check out this blog where a dentist client of mine shares that her biggest competitor is fear. Fear is the #1 thing that keeps people from going to the dentist.
  • The mindset shifts that have to happen for someone to be ready to work with you or need your products.
  • The limiting beliefs that are keeping you from launching that next product or service because you’re afraid they’re going to flop.

So where do you go from here?

First, you absolutely need to know what sets you apart. What makes your product or service unique?

After that?

You need to share your story with the world.

  • What’s your mission?
  • Why did you start your business?
  • Why is your approach different from others’?
  • What’s your personal background?
  • What’s your training, education, and experience?
  • What do your clients experience as a result of purchasing your products or services?

This could look like:

  • A social media post about your mission
  • An email to your list that shares why you started your business
  • A blog post that outlines your unique approach and process
  • Info on your website (especially your About page)
  • A YouTube video that shares some client wins
  • And more

Creating these content pieces might sound daunting, but I’m working on a few resources that are going to make this a whole lot easier (and more fun). Stay tuned.

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