How to grow your Facebook group to 100 in a month

Hi, there!
I’m Amanda – designer, dreamer, and online marketer.

Zag is the Anchor ‹A› blog dedicated to helping you reach your biggest business goals.

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So you’ve created a website, stepped up your online presence, and even created a Facebook group, but it’s not growing.

Now you’re wondering, do I really even need a Facebook group?

I get it, because I’ve been there. I have literally asked myself all the questions above. In fact, at one point, I almost quit posting in my group altogether because I felt like I just wasn’t seeing the kind of interaction and group experience I was hoping for.

But I’m glad I didn’t give up…

In today’s digital world, we’re all craving connection. We want to connect to the brands we’re buying from. And as business owners, we also want to connect with our audience on a real and human level.

Having a Facebook group is a great way—in my opinion, one of the best ways—to create a genuine connection with your audience, and them with you.

Okay, so let’s talk about how to grow that group you’ve got (or want to start). I’m going to share what has led me to take my group from 20 members in 2020 to over 1.4K today.

One of the biggest things that’s led to growth in the group is simply this → a reason to join. I’ve offered them specific pieces of content that they can access if they join the group.

Content like:

  • Additional tips on a certain topic
  • Free trainings
  • Tutorials
  • Events like a bootcamp
  • The opportunity to ask questions and get personalized feedback
  • …and more

How do I know that’s what hooked them?

I can look at my group analytics to see the spikes in membership growth, then tie it back to specific emails that were sent and what I was promoting.

Do people randomly join the group as well? Yes, but it’s not as random as you might think.

Those new members come from calls to action on thank you pages, in emails, and more.

Each call to action includes a one-liner that clearly states why they should join and what they’ll get out of it.

The key is to not only make these promises, but to deliver on them. The content they get in exchange for their engagement has to be valuable and worthwhile to them, or they’re not going to stick around.

But if they get the value they’re craving?

Not subscribed to my blog yet? If not, you’ll want to! Because over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing some great content marketing that will help you enhance your content marketing, social media marketing, and online visibility.

This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you.

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