How to double your online visibility in a fraction of the time

Hi, there!
I’m Amanda – designer, dreamer, and online marketer.

Zag is the Anchor ‹A› blog dedicated to helping you reach your biggest business goals.

It’s been so much fun over the past two weeks discussing ALL THE THINGS around content marketing and online presence. If you can’t tell by now, I’m pretty passionate about this topic. 🙂

Here are a few things I think I know about you:

  • You want to have a thriving business that supports your family
  • You want to increase your visibility and get seen by your ideal audience
  • You want a steady stream of potential clients and customers dripping into your funnel
  • You’re strapped for time to make all this happen

If you’re in my Build a Go-To Brand Facebook group already, you’ve probably seen me share some of my best tips and tricks for saving time and boosting your online visibility. So today, I wanted to round up a few of my favorite tips for doubling your online visibility in a fraction of the time.

Use Templates

Whether you’re designing a social media post in Canva or writing a long email, templates make it so easy—they cut your time in half (or more). As long as you’re customizing the content to make it your own and ensuring it’s in line with your brand and target market, this is the way to go!

Processes + Workflows

Not only does creating workflows and documenting your processes save you time, it also helps you create a consistent client experience. Whether it’s using a third-party tool such as Asana to keep yourself organized or laying it all out on a Google Doc, you want to ensure you have a process and stick to it.

Batch Working

Think of all the time that gets lost switching between tasks. Grouping like tasks together and working in chunks of time means less time, overall. One of my favorite batch working tips is to have call days in your business. Pick one or two days a week and reserve those for client calls. I suggested this to a friend and he reported back that this was an absolute game-changer for him. I also love to batch work content creation. Spend an afternoon a month or one hour a week and you’ll be golden.


Scheduling your posts out will save you so much time. There are several third-party platforms you can use for this, such as Agorapulse, Hootsuite or Scheduling your posts means you’re not wasting 15–30 minutes every day popping into social media to schedule in real time.

Are you already doing any of these?

If you’ve got a great time or productivity hack of your own, I would absolutely love to hear it.

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